A traditional home in Hillcrest

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Dear Jonno
We would appreciate it if you would consider posting a suggested design for us in your next article. We would like to build a small home in Hillcrest in KwaZulu-Natal. The plot is flat, with an incredible view ranging from west-north-west around to the south. This is where the afternoon sun is. Although the plot is flat, there is a bank behind it and a drop-off in front. It is thus limited to its current dimensions.

Attached are two diagrams. The first is of the plot, its orientation and position on the property. The second is a rough shape of the home. The idea is to build a home with a fairly simple roof structure and a decent west-facing verandah to enjoy the view and take cover when it rains. Being Hillcrest, it rains a lot!

The house would comprise:

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  • A double garage with direct access to the house;
  • two bedrooms with en suite bathrooms – a shower in one and a bath in the other;
  • A verandah, at least 2,5m wide, along the length of the house;
  • A lounge connected to the kitchen. The lounge should face the view;
  • Total ‘billable’ size of the house to be between 120m2 and 150m2;
  • A study, if this is possible.

Also, we are thinking of using chromadek roofing.

What would it cost to draw up these plans, suitable for submission to our local council for sign-off and for a builder to use?

Kind regards

Dear Philip
Thank you for your detailed description of the site and the home’s composition. As always, the site dictated, and I’ve arranged the layout of the home accordingly. The furnishings within the home are also shown. It’s appropriate to sit
in the lounge and watch TV, with the fire burning and the views beyond. The bedrooms are to the east where the sun rises, and the entertainment area is to the west where the sun sets. I’ve seen TVs built in above the fireplace; this arrangement will allow more windows, and thus more views. The braai could be at the back of the fireplace.

The style, with its sheet-metal roofing, is typically traditional ‘South African country’, and is cost-effective to build. Let me have your further thoughts. And yes, I certainly could produce your working drawings – it’s my job.

A total of 4 900 plans drawn to date!

Best regards