Global Farming

It hasn’t worked elsewhere, and if government goes ahead with land ceilings here, our food security will be seriously endangered.
The SA consumer’s situation has improved slightly and the agricultural outlook remains positive, even though farmers face some serious challenges.
In spite of serious problems facing the SA economy, agriculture can look forward to a good year in 2015.
Consumers buy the bulk of their food from supermarkets belonging to one of the four major retail chain stores – and these stores control prices. How, then, can we speak...
By avoiding these basic errors, new farmers can increase their chances of success.
Lower grain and higher meat prices imply improved profitability for livestock producers globally. With some provisos, this is also true for South Africa.
Global growth will accelerate in 2015, but the South African outlook remains subdued.
Employment growth in agriculture is only possible if government starts working with the farming sector to limit unfair competition and re-affirm property rights.
Exciting opportunities for South Africans are opening up in neighbouring countries.
There are many factors that farmers need to take into account when deciding whether or not to plant maize this season.
Consumers invariably blame farmers when food prices rise. The reality is very different.
In the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 maize marketing years, maize farmers suffered large losses by ignoring the Safex futures market. What about 2014/2015?