Hi Sally and Beric,
Hope the rain is falling on your side of the woods as well. After last year, it’s quite foreign to us here in Estcourt. This should make the cane grow. Here is a sketch for your converted milking shed. Thanks for the rough sketch ideas; they certainly helped. That questionable passage through the kitchen is better relocated to the back veranda area. It need only be a lightweight stud-wall passage.
The carports must access as shown, so as not to disrupt the back veranda area; a convenient spot for herbs, etc. Your bathrooms (his and hers) are a bit smaller than the others. What fittings do you envisage in each? The outer wall finishes can be genuine sandstone, or mock sandstone. One can hardly tell the difference and it is also easier to clad over the existing rock-work walls. I think it looks fabulous. The cottage windows give it a special character.
The coloured-in walls indicate the new additions and interconnecting break-throughs. As the windows are generally small, I’ve inserted corrugated fibreglass panels over the veranda roofs for some added sunlight for the inside. I’ll be drawing your son’s cottage next. Let me have your thoughts on this one so far and I look forward to producing the working drawings.
Give me a call if you have any queries.
Best regards, Jonno