Episode 11: The increasing importance of biosecurity

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Even before the Covid-19 pandemic biosecurity was increasing in importance for producers and consumers alike. The pandemic has contributed to raising awareness of biosecurity.

Episode 11: The increasing importance of biosecurity
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What is biosecurity?

Biosecurity refers to procedures and measure to protect us against harmful biological and/or biochemical substances.

Farmers, farmworkers and service providers are often exposed to hazardous chemicals and materials, or potentially dangerous pathogens, and pests.

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If not managed and handled safely and securely it could have devastating effects on the environment, humans, livestock, and plants. A lot of research and technology goes into the optimising of crops, animal protection, and ensuring safety in doing so.

This week on Tech Terrain Tony Ndoro talks to IB Oosthuizen, agriculture director of McCain Foods South Africa and Dr Mmatlou Kalaba, senior lecturer at the University of Pretoria to lay the groundwork on the issue of biosecurity.

Tech Terrain also talks to Dirk Uys, crop manager for Horticulture Africa: Bayer, and Thilivhali Nepfumbada, Head of Regulatory Science, Africa: Bayer about the fine balance between optimising production, and risk.

And what does John Deere discuss this week?

Nelius Oosthuizen, territory sales manager at John Deere Sub-Saharan Africa (JD SSA) and Admire Mutsvario, business operations analyst at JD SSA will discuss the latest developments in sprayer technology.

Don’t miss this week’s episode!

Visit techterrain.co.za to get access to all the content plus bonus material. New episodes exploring new and relevant themes will be released every Thursday at 16:00pm.

Powered by John Deere, in collaboration with Farmer’s Weekly and Brand Republic.