Plough for more
Land expropriation without compensation is officially off the cards. But massive discrepancies exist between government rhetoric and actual land redistribution transfer figures, prompting a reassessment of land reform going forward....
The local cotton crop was estimated to double year-on-year while world cotton demand was projected to exceed production in 2015/2016, as world cotton stocks contract for the first time in...
South Africa produces around 4% of the world's wine and is ranked as number seven in overall volume production.
South African wool producers have expressed jubilation about the lifting of the ban on wool exports to China.
The Grain SA executive announced an undertaking at the 2015 Grain SA congress to work with members of the agricultural value chain regarding financial relief for the drought-stricken grain producers...
Pravin Gordhan, Dr Theo de Jager and Dr Langa Simela are some of the speakers at this year’s conference. View the programme highlights for more info.
South Africa’s avocado industry has attained the holy grail in marketing for a non-essential product: getting consumers to feel they need it rather just want it. The resulting sales growth...
Farms that embrace solar energy and battery energy storage system solutions will ensure their energy security and remain competitive in the future, operating more independently from the grid.
Mike Mlengana, director-general of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), spoke to Wilma den Hartigh about his plans for the agricultural industry, why he is concerned about the...
Zakhe Agricultural College, situated on Baynesfield Estate in KwaZulu-Natal, celebrated its 10th anniversary last year. Principal and executive officer, Richard Dladla, gives an overview of this private college.
Wildlife managers need experience and ability to succeed in this exciting, growing business.
As part of an empowerment project, farmworkers at Kleine Zalze wine estate have released the first wines produced from grapes grown in their own vineyards. They spoke to Glenneis Kriel...
Here are a few budget friendly design and styling options to choose from for a cost-effective home.
Cathryn from Pietermaritzburg contacted me to discuss the possible options for cost savings in building a cottage featured in a previous issue of Farmer’s Weekly.
I recently received a call from Grant, who requested my help with renovations to an old farmhouse on his recently purchased game farm in the Camperdown area of KwaZulu-Natal.
Jono sketches a floor plan of a thatched roof home for reader George.
Part of the seriously marvellous joy of cooking is the combination of the familiar with the new. While sometimes this produces a meal fit for Frankenstein, mostly the outcome is...
I received a call from Mike and Molly, who would like a stage-built house in a private lakeside home resort. The man-made lake, which stretches for 3km upstream, is situated...
Sweeping claims about toxins contained in farmed fish, which are supposedly dangerous to human health, are unsubstantiated and false.
There are various methods used to train horses, but the use of treats remains controversial, says Dr Mac.
Rob and Ian Butt introduced housing pens to improve the welfare of their pigs.
Justin Stirk of Goodwoods Bonsmaras in the Eastern Cape is one of a group of Bonsmara breeders who present the annual Frontier Bonsmara sale in Grahamstown. Heather Dugmore talks to...
OAD milking is becoming increasingly popular in New Zealand, but can it work in SA?
New technologies, big data and top-of-the-range genetics are becoming increasingly important aspects of profitable pig farming. However, these advancements don’t come cheap, placing them out of reach of many small-scale...
Supported by the Swazi government, the EU, Illovo and traditional chiefs, a smallholder sugarcane farming project is alleviating poverty in its area of operation.
Canola is no longer a crop that farmers can neglect. It is a valuable cash crop that can achieve high yields, provided that producers make careful cultivar selections and manage...
Visual appeal plays a major role in the breeding of beans. Darker green, slender, straight beans have become more popular of late.
So-called experts often tell farmers what the problems are with their crops without being sure and just hoping for the best when suggesting solutions. Rather use your own experience to...
There are approximately 22 species of Capsicum, of which five are grown commercially. However, some of these can be crossed with one another to produce different varieties.
A market may not process food, but it can surely be classified as a ‘food distribution facility’, the food here being ‘fresh produce’.